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Revive Your Glory Days On The Diamond

“Baseball is 90% mental… the other half is physical.”

-- Yogi Berra

This League Is Different...

We unite softball misfits and baseball has-beens on the diamond, blending competitive softball with a twist of sandlot-style antics. Embracing unique personalities, creative in-game rules, and legendary post-game celebrations, our league fosters camaraderie and laughter while keeping the spirit of the game alive.


  • Every 3rd inning will be a "fun inning"; the 3rd inning is a "wood bat inning."

  • The 6th inning is the "reverse basepath inning," where 3rd base is now 1st base (run the opposite direction).

  • If we get into extra innings, specifically into the 9th inning, a "kickball inning" will ensue. We replace balls, bats, and gloves with a regulation professional kickball.

  • If there's a close play and an argument of out or safe rises, we throw the challenge chicken high in the air (it's a real rubber chicken) and go straight to "Rock Paper Scissors" to decide the outcome of the play. 

  • If you strike out, you get one swing off the tee as a "redemption swing". If you miss again, you will be ridiculed mercilessly until the day you retire from softball.

  • If you take a walk (4 balls), on the 4th ball, the play is live for the batter. The catcher will throw the ball to 3rd base while the batter sprints to 1st base. Then, the 3rd baseman will throw it to 1st base. If the batter doesn't beat the throw, they're out at 1st. NO EASY WALKS.

  • If you hit a home run, the next at-bat is mandatory wood bat for you.

  • We encourage drop-in players to come every week. We often need extra players for both the early game (6:30pm) and the late game (815pm). Players can register for the entire season upfront (save $$) and be officially on a team roster, or you can pay as you go and only attend games on the nights that you're available. 


Keeping in the true spirit of the league, we even have a LOCAL HOME BAR where we host league-wide events and the occasional game-night after-parties.

Beyond The Glory in Petaluma is our local watering hole and the official partner of The Glory Days League!

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